Check out our huge collection of hot Table Top Miniatures and receive Free. The New Republic Defense Fleet, commonly referred to as the New Republic Navy or the New Republic Space Navy, was the name of the defense Fleet of the New Republic. Shop Star Wars: Armada - Galactic Republic Fleet Starter at Miniature Market.

What was the name of the new republic navy? With the collapse of the New Republic and the formation of the Galactic Alliance, the New Republic Defense Fleet formally ceased to exist, and was replaced by the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet. What happens to the new republic defense fleet? The Fifth Battle Group was soon assigned full fleet status, and by 19 ABY the New Republic Fifth Fleet was enlarged to a full strength of five hundred capital ships in five battle groups. The Fifth Roving Battle Group contained five task forces, and fought with distinction in the Black Fleet Crisis. It was first led by Fleet Admiral Gial Ackbar. The New Republic Defense Fleet, also known as the New Republic Navy, New Republic Starfleet, or the New Republic fleet, was the naval branch of the New Republic 's military forces formed from the Rebel Alliance Fleet in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor. Frequently Asked Questions Who was the leader of the new republic fleet?